Stork Vitals | FDA Cleared

Stork Vitals | FDA Cleared
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Storefront Attributes
- Quality: AStock
- SFCC Brand Name: Masimo
Page Designer Components
- Additional Information Content Asset: pdp-additionalInfo-vitals-first
Physical Shipping Characteristics
- Unit of Measure for Package Weight: Pounds
- Unit of Measure for Package Length (aka Depth): Inches
- Unit of Measure for Package Width: Inches
- Unit of Measure for Package Height: Inches
Continuous vitals monitoring with alarms and clear audio of your baby.
Check your baby’s health and room conditions anytime, from anywhere. The only FDA cleared baby monitoring and alert system that uses the same SET® technology trusted in hospital NICUs for over 25 years includes visual and audio alarms when pulse rate or oxygen saturation fall outside preset ranges. With a soft and comfy medical-grade silicone boot, the easily portable Stork Hub, and access to data in real-time, you'll never miss a beat.